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Quick Tips for Testing Static Web Pages


Testing static web pages is essential to ensure a seamless user experience. Whether you’re a developer, designer, or QA professional, following these guidelines will help you identify and address common issues efficiently.

Fonts and Typography

Verify that fonts render correctly across different browsers and devices.
Check font sizes, styles (bold, italic), and line spacing.
Ensure consistency in font choices throughout the website.

Color Consistency

Confirm that colors match the design specifications.
Test color contrast for readability (especially for text on backgrounds).
Use tools like the WCAG Color Contrast Checker to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.

Margins and Padding

Inspect margins and padding around elements (e.g., buttons, images, paragraphs).
Ensure consistent spacing between elements.
Test responsiveness by adjusting the viewport size.

Text Size and Readability

Check that text is legible across different screen sizes.
Verify that headings (h1, h2, etc.) follow a logical hierarchy.
Test long paragraphs for readability.

Broken Links

Scan all internal and external links.
Use tools like W3C Link Checker to identify broken links.
Update or remove broken links promptly.

Spelling and Grammar

Proofread all content for spelling and grammatical errors.
Consider using automated tools or extensions to catch typos.

Image Quality and Optimization

Ensure images load properly and are of high quality.
Optimize image file sizes to improve page load speed.
Use descriptive alt text for accessibility.


Test the website on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
Check how elements adapt to different screen sizes.
Use browser developer tools to simulate different devices.

Page Loading Speed

Measure page load times using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.
Optimize images, minimize CSS and JavaScript files, and leverage browser caching.
Aim for fast loading times to enhance user experience.

Page Redirection

Test any redirects (301, 302) to ensure they work as expected.
Verify that old URLs redirect to the correct new URLs.
Handle redirection gracefully to avoid broken links.

Browser Title Verification

Check that the title tag in the HTML section corresponds to the expected title of the page.
Verify that the title is descriptive, concise, and relevant to the page content.
Ensure that it includes relevant keywords for SEO purposes.
Test how the title appears in browser tabs and search engine results.


By following these testing practices, you’ll be well-equipped to identify and fix issues in static web pages efficiently. Remember to document your findings and collaborate with your team to maintain a high-quality website.

Easy Solution for Cypress verification timed out error message

After installing cypress on windows if a user is getting the below error message to open cypress then need to perform step 1 and step 2 to resolve the cypress verification time out issue

Cypress verification timed out.

This command failed with the following output:

C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\9.5.2\Cypress\Cypress.exe –smoke-test –ping=952

Command timed out after 100000 milliseconds: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\9.5.2\Cypress\Cypress.exe –smoke-test –ping=952
Timed out

Platform: win32-x64 (10.0.19044)
Cypress Version: 9.5.2

To resolve the above error run below two commands from the command line.

step 1) set CYPRESS_VERIFY_TIMEOUT=100000

step 2) npx cypress verify

✔ Verified Cypress! C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\9.5.2\Cypress

After changing the Environment variable value user will be able to open or launch cypress

npx cypress open

Use of the package.json file?

Package.json is a file found in all npm packages and is normally found in the project root.

It contains various metadata about the project.

This file provides information to npm so that it can identify the project and handle its dependencies.

 It can also contain other metadata, such as a project description, the project’s version.

A Node.js project’s package.json file is usually found in the root directory.

This example of package.json file used for writing code using cypress

{“devDependencies”: {“cypress”: “9.5.2”}}

What are devDependencies in the package.json file?

Dependencies are specified with a simple hash of package name to version range. The version range is a string that has one or more space-separated descriptions. Dependencies can also be identified with a tarball or gitUrl.

devDependencies: Packages that are only needed for local development and testing.

What is tarball?

The tarball is a compressed file format. You need to unpack it before running the npm command.

What is "dependencies" in package.json file?

"dependencies": Packages required by your application in production.

Useful software testing commands on the Linux platform

Useful information which every software tester should know while testing any application on Linux or Ubuntu platform. To test any application based on the Linux platform one should be aware of the terminal and basic commands to test the application.

What is Terminal?

Terminal often known as shell, console, or prompt. We called it a Text interface for your system/computer.

How to start Terminal on Linux / Ubuntu Platform?

Navigate to any folder structure for which one has to open the terminal. Right, Click and select the option “Open in Terminal”. Another keyboard shortcut key is “Ctrl+Alt+T”. Or Click on the activities item and search for words “shell”, “terminal”, “prompt”. On search system will display Terminal Icon. By selecting that icon Terminal opens.

How to Create Folder and Files?

Users can create folders or files in any directory if he is having sufficient permission. But as a beginner, it is recommended to create this in /tmp folder.

To create a directory from the command line

mkdir testDir

To create multiple directories from the command line.

mkdir testDir1 testDir2 testDir3

mkdir command accepts a minimum of one argument. by providing only text without providing any path then the system creates that directory in the current path/directory only.

To create a directory at a specific location an argument needs to provide a path.

mkdir /tmp/testDir1

How to change the current working directory?

To change the current working directory path Linux provides the command “cd” with or without argument. This is one of the most commonly used commands.

for example, if the user wants to work in /tmp/dir1 directory and his current working directory is /root then by writing the command cd /tmp/dir1

How to get the path of a current working directory?

By using the command “pwd” the system gives information about the current working directory.

How to see a list of files and directories?

Using the “ls” command system displays all files and directories in the current path.

To view files or contents from different directories then use

ls <directory path>

ls /etc/logs/

By pressing tab, system complete the command or display a different option when the user starts typing and press the tab. Also while typing directory path and user press tab the system displays child content for selection.

How to get help from unix command? Where to read documents for Linux / ubuntu command?

If the user has to explore more about specific command then type

“man” <command name>

man ls

By reading man pages for specific commands user can understand options available for the command. Don’t get boar by reading man pages. It will help to do the job fast.

How to see what different commands are available?

type “help” and press enter. System will display list of available commands.

How to see single-line description for command?

user whatis command in below format

whatis <commandName>

This will display a limited description of the command.

How to see background process?

Use of “ps” command displays a list of running processes.

How to terminate the process?

To kill any background process use “kill” command. kill along with -9 option and PID.

First, identify the PID of the process which needs to kill using the ps command. then write

kill -9 <PID>

mention PID number.

How to start, stop, restart mysql process?

sudo service mysqld start

sudo service mysqld start

sudo service mysqld restart

How to find any file from directory?

By using find commands with different parameter user can find files from the current working directory, subdirectory or other directories (by mentioning path). for example, if the user wants to find file abc.txt in the current working directory and subdirectory then use the below command.

find . -name abc.txt

If the user wants to find the file from a specific directory then use this command

find /pathOfDirectory -name abc.txt

How to find files which contain specific text or words?

using the grep command user can find the file which contains a specific word. Using the grep command user can search text from multiple files as well. here is the use of the grep command.

grep textToFind * —–this will find textTofind in all directory

grep textToFind fileName —- this command will find textToFind in specific file.

How to take screenshots? Which software is useful to take screenshots on the ubuntu or Linux platform?

Install Flameshot on ubuntu. This is really helpful to take screenshots and highlight the necessary portion.

How to install Flameshot?

Use this command for installing Flameshot.

sudo apt install flameshot

Where to check system logs?

In /var/log directory users can find logs. using tail command user can have watched on generating logs. Using the grep command user can find any specific error in the log file which may not be observed while doing User interface Testing.

Overall there are other necessary commands also available which are useful while doing testing.

How to Analyse and Improve your time spent on the Internet

If you spend time on the internet and browse websites. Then this post will assist you in determining where you spend the majority of your productive time.

So to identify result like below follow the steps as mentioned

Summary of Total Number of Websites Visited with count

To analyze the google chrome history browser file here are the steps.

Step 1) Install DbBrowser SQLite locally.

Step 2) Open SQLite DB Browser

Step 3) Windows users can navigate to the directory

C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\

MAC user can navgiate to directory

Users//Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/

Step 4) Copy History File to any other Location you want

History File location in Windows Environment under C Drive
Chrome History file location

Step 5) Now open the history file in DBBrowser SQLite. By Clicking on Open Database menu and providing History file where you copied in step 4.

DB Browser SQLite Home Screen
History File in SQLite DB Browser

Run below Query in Execute SQL Tab

  SUBSTR(SUBSTR(url, INSTR(url, '//') + 2), 0, INSTR(SUBSTR(url, INSTR(url, '//') + 2), '/')) AS domain,
  SUM(visit_count) AS total_visits
FROM urls
    WHERE url LIKE 'http%'
    GROUP BY domain
    ORDER BY total_visits DESC;
Query Result screen

By Executing the above query you will get results like how many times you are visiting a specific website.

Also we by using SQL Queries we are able to fetch the time invested on each website.

Software Testing Skill Trends for upcoming years

Below are some predictions and analysis for a couple of years from now mainly the year 2022 for the software testing Testing industry.

The software industry is transforming in terms of technology like IoT. Development methodology like DevOps.

The given information is based on individual analysis and expertise achieved while working over a decade.

Looking at the current trend it clearly shows Software Development Engineers in Test roles will be in demand. in place of plain software tester role. The candidate who can participate in the development and test the application as well will have more preferences than traditional testers. A person who has manual testing skills along with Business domain, Black Box testing, design, and programming skills will have more preference.

Many Open source tools are capturing the huge testing market share. Tools like selenium, cypress, Katalon are widely accepted by the industry. Job trends show the open-source tools have more requirements as compared to commercial.

There is smart shifting going on from traditional testing to smart quality engineering. A person having multiple skills like Exploratory testing, Automation testing, a Business analyst with basic development knowledge will be preferred.

In the fast-changing technology world, the customer is looking for the very early to go in the market. So Those who are having the best QA practices like continuous testing with less time by providing the highest quality will have more chances to win projects. Speed and quality will be the key this year. To achieve this one should have good testing knowledge along with continuous automation testing.

As digital transformation is key to success so person or company who provides services that help customers to launch applications or products in very little or reduced time. In this digital world amount of digital data is getting produced continuously each year. For big players like Facebook, what’s app, Microsoft, apple, google data is key. So certainly big data testing will be in trend.

As the IoT industry is also growing so IoT testing will be in demand. As per Gartner

The worldwide government Internet of Things (IoT) endpoint electronics and communications market will total $21.3 billion in 2022, according to Gartner, Inc. This is a 22% increase from a forecasted total of $17.5 billion in 2021.


DevOps is providing faster and quality deployment also this is a cost-effective solution. Testing with DevOps will be more important. Companies that are having the process to deploy products using DevOps by maintaining high-quality communication across teams will be more successful.

The conclusion is software Testing is growing but the role of a software tester is getting changed in terms of skills.

Everything you need is to adapt modern skills of testing which lead to success in the year 2022.