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How to Analyse and Improve your time spent on the Internet

If you spend time on the internet and browse websites. Then this post will assist you in determining where you spend the majority of your productive time.

So to identify result like below follow the steps as mentioned

Summary of Total Number of Websites Visited with count

To analyze the google chrome history browser file here are the steps.

Step 1) Install DbBrowser SQLite locally.

Step 2) Open SQLite DB Browser

Step 3) Windows users can navigate to the directory

C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\

MAC user can navgiate to directory

Users//Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/

Step 4) Copy History File to any other Location you want

History File location in Windows Environment under C Drive
Chrome History file location

Step 5) Now open the history file in DBBrowser SQLite. By Clicking on Open Database menu and providing History file where you copied in step 4.

DB Browser SQLite Home Screen
History File in SQLite DB Browser

Run below Query in Execute SQL Tab

  SUBSTR(SUBSTR(url, INSTR(url, '//') + 2), 0, INSTR(SUBSTR(url, INSTR(url, '//') + 2), '/')) AS domain,
  SUM(visit_count) AS total_visits
FROM urls
    WHERE url LIKE 'http%'
    GROUP BY domain
    ORDER BY total_visits DESC;
Query Result screen

By Executing the above query you will get results like how many times you are visiting a specific website.

Also we by using SQL Queries we are able to fetch the time invested on each website.