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C Language

How to write simple C Program for Fibonacci series using for loop

Fibonacci series means a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Example...
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Python program to reverse string using for loop

Below is running program in python which accept input string from user. using for loop it is reversing the string....
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C Language

C Program for smallest, largest of three number using ternary operator

Below running code will accept 3 Numbers from user. Based on results given in expression in ternary operator program will...
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C Language

C Program for Smallest of three numbers without comparing

There are many ways to find smallest. Below program will accept 3 integer numbers from user We are using while...
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Use of interactive prompt or mode in python

On starting python interactive mode we get below output Python 3.9.7 (tags/v3.9.7:1016ef3, Aug 30 2021, 20:19:38) [MSC v.1929 64 bit...
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How python code get executed – architecture

Python is interpreted language. When user execute any python file then internally it compiles the code in bytecode format. Byte...
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C Language

C Program to find even ,odd numbers and their sum and average

Below program will accept the range for example 62 to 70. Program will count all even and odd numbers from...
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C Language

C Program to find length of string with or without function

//Program Name: To find length of the string with and without function. #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { char str[250]; //to...
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Python code to check if character is alphabet or number

Below python code will identify character whether it is alphabet or number using comparison and built in function like isalpha,...
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Solved AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘IsAlpha’

python is case sensitive language. so better to write python IsAlpha function like isalpha in lower case without any spelling...
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C Language

C Program to Identify Even Odd numbers from user input.

Below program will first accept total number which user want to enter. Then user has to enter numbers one by...
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Public API

List of Public API for Continuous Integration, Cloud Storage & File Sharing

APIDescriptionLinkAuthAbstract Public HolidaysData on national, regional, and religious holidays via API IndexWorldwide Holidays and Working Days CalendarDisplay, create and modify...
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Public API

New list of Public API for Books, Business category

Below is the list of public API for books and business category. More information on documentation is available after visiting...
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Public API

List of Public API Information for Anime, Anti-Malware, Authentication

List of public free APIs for Anime, Anti-Malware, Art & Design, Authentication. With Details like API Name, Description, Link, and...
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Public API

List of Public API for Animals

List of Public API for Animals APIDescriptionAuthHTTPSCorsLinkAxolotlCollection of axolotl pictures and factstrueunknown FactsDaily cat factstrueno as a service (cats pictures...
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C Language

C Program to count total vowel, consonant in sentence

This program will accept input from user. and then by iterating each character from sentence it will count number of...
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C Language

C Program to Calculate Area of circle, circumference , volume of sphere

Program is accepting radius of circle and using below formula area of circle : A=πr2 Circumference of circle = 2πr...
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C Language

C Program for Sum of digits using recursive function

Below program first accept the positive number from user and then find out the sum of digits. for example if...
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