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Program to find number divisible by 3 or 5 in python

To find number divisible by 3 or 5 we have accepted user input. Used for loop and mod operator with...
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C Language

Number divisible by 3 or 5 in C Language

This C Program will accept number accept range from user and then print numbers which are divisible by 3 or...
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C Language miscellaneous

Online C Compilers easy to debug and run

Online C compilers provide facility to code from anywhere and run it. There are many online compilers available online but...
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calculate cube of numbers in python using while, for loop

Here is simple three line program to calculate cube and print it as per user input or range using while...
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How to Create multiple directories using command prompt

Using windows command prompt we can create multiple directories at once in easy steps as defined below. Step 1) Open...
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How to Install python on Windows step by step guide

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Python language is popular for data science and analytics....
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Convert Kilometers to Miles in python

Simple 3 line python program to convert user input kilometer to miles #Accept Distance in Kilometer #from km to miles...
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Python Program to Find Largest & Smallest among N Numbers

In Python there are many ways to identify largest or smallest number from user input. Here we are using for...
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C Language

C Program to Find Largest & Smallest among N Numbers

There are many ways to identify largest or smallest number from user input. Here we are using for loop. //...
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C Language

Program for KiloMeters to mile In C

Here is C Program - Complete code to convert kilometers to mile by accepting user input. Formula used in program...
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Excel miscellaneous

Most useful Microsoft Excel shortcuts

Below are daily required shortcuts for Microsoft excel. These shortcuts save lot of time while working. Ctrl+W: Close a workbookCtrl+O:...
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Most Useful shortcuts for chrome in Windows

Below are most useful shortcuts for chrome browser in windows operating system. Ctrl + n: Open a new windowCtrl +...
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CSV Notepad

How to convert notepad file to CSV

Data entered in Notepad file should be comma separated. For example if text file contains below data like two columns...
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How to add social share icon in WordPress without plugin

Here is 10 line code that needs to add in the single.php file. This will avoid external calls, maintenance of...
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How to display Developer Tab in Excel

Follow below steps to enable or bring Developer tab on front. Step 1) Click on File Menu (Available at top...
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How to replace blank spaces in string in python

Below code will replace blank spaces from string and print output. str1= input('enter string to replace blank spaces') print('String before...
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Python code to print the key values in dictionary-like maximum, minimum, specific record

Here is complete running code for python which gives output for printing maximum, minimum from key elements, and associated value....
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C Language

Code to write Fibonacci series for number of elements as per user input.

Fibonacci series means a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Example...
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