Solution and Answers for queries in Information Technology Industry

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C Language

How to get ASCII values of A to Z

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Like how we understand A to Z in simmilar way machine...
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IndentationError: expected an indented block How to resolve

While running any python program if the user receives an error like IndentationError: expected an indented block. This means indentations...
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Not equal to in python using != operator

To check if two operands are not equal python provides operator !=. Let's see an example of not equal to...
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Which property is useful to hide the element but should not take space

There are 2 different properties to hide element from User Interface. One is visibility Property and other is display property. For...
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Compare Result with Different Search Engine using batch file

To see what results in different search engines provide for a specific query then copy the below code in notepad....
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Simple code to Generate QR Code using Python

To generate QR Code like Below It is important to install pyqrcode and pypng. To install this you can use...
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How to remove duplicate keys from dictionary in python

This python code will remove all duplicate keys and associate items from the dictionary. To remove we are using one...
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Java Script

How to count occurrences of words, characters, sentences using Regular Expression

Here is a Regular Expression regex to count words, to count blank spaces, to count sentences, to count paragraphs in...
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C Language

How to generate the series 1, 3, 6, 11, 18, 29, 42? up to N number in C Program

To generate series 1, 3, 6, 11, 18, 29, 42? in C Language it is important to understand the logic...
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C Language

Simple C program to get square root of any number

Square Root is a factor of a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. This C Program...
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HTML Marquee Tag simple Example for texts

To show scrollable texts or images within a web page we use marquee tag in html. Marquee tag has around...
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C Language

C Program to print Math tables up to n numbers

This c program prints math tables up to n number. The program accepts user input. Using for loop we are...
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Print function with different examples in detail

Print statement in python is not reserved word nor a statement. Print is built in function call which run as...
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C Language

C Program to calculate total Body Mass Index BMI with weight and height

Body Mass Index is a simple calculation using a person's height and weight. To calculate BMI we can use the...
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2 Replies

Free Online Python Compiler (Interpreter)

Write python program and click on Run button.
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Programs to print different Square, rectangle in Python Language

Below program will accept width and breadth from user. We can print SOLID rectangle, need to use two for loops...
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C Language

Programs to print different Square, rectangle in C Language

Print hollow square using for loop for user input length. Steps to build this program1) Accept length from user2) First...
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C Language

Program to identify and print perfect number in C Language

This C Program is for to identify perfect number. Here program is accepting range up to which need to identify...
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