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C Program to Find Largest & Smallest among N Numbers

There are many ways to identify largest or smallest number from user input. Here we are using for loop.

// Program to find smallest and largest number from user input.

void main()
    int large,small,no,range,i;
    printf ("\n\tFrom how many numbers you want to identify smallest and largest\t");
    scanf ("%d", &range);
    printf ("\n\tEnter  number 1==>");
    scanf ("%d", &no);
    large = no;
    for (i=1; i<= range -1 ; i++)
        printf ("\n\t Enter number %d ==> ",i+1);
        scanf ("%d",&no);
        if (no >= large)
        large = no;
        if (no <= small)
        small = no;
    }//end of For loop
    printf ("\n\t The largest number is %d", large);
    printf ("\n\t The smallest number is %d", small);



 From how many numbers you want to identify smallest and largest 6

        Enter  number 1==>11

         Enter number 2 ==> 11

         Enter number 3 ==> 22

         Enter number 4 ==> 22

         Enter number 5 ==> 33

         Enter number 6 ==> 44

         The largest number is 44

         The smallest number is 11

We can write this program using various loop and logic.