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C Program to Calculate final velocity.

Below Running code will calculate the final velocity based on user input.

Program is using formula v = u + at. The assumption is the user will enter values in decimal and time should not be negative.

//Program Name: Calculate Final Velocity.
//formula v= u + at 
//u = initial velocity
//v = final velocity
//a = acceleration
//t = time

void main(){

 //declare variable
 float u,t, a, v;

 //get value of initial velocity
 printf("Enter the Value Of Initial Velocity  ");

 //read value of time
 printf("Enter the Value Of Time  ");

 //Read value of acceleration
 printf("Enter the Value Of acceleration  ");

//Calculate only if time is not negative
 if( t > 0 ) 
 // formula to calculate final velocity
 v = ( u + ( a * t ) );
 printf("With the initial velocity %.2f, time %.2f and acceleration %.2f, \n The value of final velocity is %f m/s", u, t, a, v);
 printf("Entered time is negative");


Enter the Value Of Initial Velocity 27
Enter the Value Of Time 3
Enter the Value Of acceleration 2
With the initial velocity 27.00, time 3.00 and acceleration 2.00,
The value of final velocity is 33.000000 m/s

Enter the Value Of Initial Velocity 27
Enter the Value Of Time 0
Enter the Value Of acceleration 2
Entered time is negative

Users can enter velocity-time and acceleration in decimal values so we declare variables as a float. The program also shows how to display decimal points up to 2 digits by using %.2f