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List of Public API for Animals

List of Public API for Animals

AxolotlCollection of axolotl pictures and factstrueunknown
Cat FactsDaily cat factstrueno
CataasCat as a service (cats pictures and gifs)trueunknown
catAPIRandom pictures of catstrueyes
CatsPictures of cats from TumblrapiKeytrueunknown
Dog FactsRandom dog factstrueunknown
DogsBased on the Stanford Dogs Datasettrueyes
HTTPCatCat for every HTTP Statustrueunknown
IUCNIUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesapiKeyfalseunknown
MovebankMovement and Migration data of animalstrueunknown
PlaceBearPlaceholder bear picturestrueyes
PlaceDogPlaceholder Dog picturestrueyes
RandomCatRandom pictures of catstrueyes
RandomDogRandom pictures of dogstrueyes
RandomDuckRandom pictures of duckstrueno
RandomFoxRandom pictures of foxestrueno
Shibe.OnlineRandom pictures of Shiba Inu, cats or birdstrueyes

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